An Uncomplicated Life. It Feels Like Home To Me…

As I write this entry, I’m sitting around the fire pit in this little slice of paradise, by myself waiting for the others to wake up. It’s almost 9am, the water is (hopefully) not too far from boiling, because.. coffee, and the wind is a little cold on my back.

This has been the morning’s ritual for the past two weeks. Except, more often that not, I get to arrive to an already lit fire, hot water and homemade bread toasting away on the flames.

Being here, off-the-grid and in the ease of nature has more than reiterated the beauty of living an uncomplicated life.

Between the getting up to fuel the fire and listening to the sprinklers doing their bit in the background, it’s otherwise peaceful, and I only wish that I had spent more mornings here like this.

Good Morning Confluencia Traful

In the two weeks that we have been here, we built an eco filtering and drainage system for human waste as part of a volunteer project (, from start to finish. Not exactly something that was high priority on my ‘to do’ list whilst visiting Patagonia, but one that I am proud of and so glad to have been a part of. Digging holes and trenches, redistributing earth to level off areas of the property, hand picking rocks from the roads edge to act as filters (for the length of the trenches), and getting dirtier by the day has been nothing short of wonderful. Between jobs we cool off in the river, relax in the hammocks, read and have interesting conversations about life in Argentina. It’s been an amazing experience, full of beautiful memories and life learnings.

And funny that, to have spent the previous seven months traveling across oceans to find a little slice of heaven, that actually in part, looks and feels just like home.

Being here, off-the-grid and in the ease of nature has more than reiterated (for me) the beauty of living an uncomplicated life. Living simply with few resources, yet with like-minded others and good chats, a cat (and dog) of course and a flowing river on the doorstep, with mountains surrounding, in the same smoky clothes that I’ve been wearing for the past 2-weeks; it’s a wonderful place to be. And funny that, to have spent the previous seven months travelling across oceans to find a little slice of heaven, that actually in part, looks and feels just like home.

And it’s so true what they say. After many years of chasing the big city lights, absolutely (to finish with a cliché), ‘you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl’.

Traful River Swims.


2 responses to “An Uncomplicated Life. It Feels Like Home To Me…”

  1. Wow! Sounds like a piece of heaven reading your latest few blogs. So happy that you are enjoying and soaking up ‘life of the grid’ 😘


    1. Thanks El. Was such a cool experience!


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